Founder's Story

Founder's Story

Early Life and Challenges
 Jasmine's journey began with significant challenges. As a teenage mom, she faced the complexities of balancing motherhood with her aspirations. Determined to create a better future for her child, she joined the military, where she learnedthe values of discipline and resilience.
Educational Struggles and Triumph

Despite dropping out of college three times due to life’s pressures, Jasmine never gave up. She persisted, driven by a deep desire to achieve her goals. Her persistence paid off when she finally earned her degree, symbolizing her unwavering determination.

Achieving a Doctorate
 Defying the statistics, Jasmine continued her education journey and graduated with her doctorate before the age of 30. Her story is a testament to the power of persistence and passion.
Founding The Popcorn Professor 
Inspired by her own story of persistence and passion, Jasmine founded The Popcorn Professor. Her vision was to create a brand that not only offered delicious, handcrafted popcorn but also inspired others to persist through their own challenges and achieve their dreams.
Why Popcorn?
Just as every kernel has the potential to burst into something spectacular, our founder believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams, no matter the obstacles. Popcorn, a simple yet delightful treat, embodies transformation. We chose popcorn as our medium to spread this message because it's a snack that demands patience and the right conditions to reach its best form.
Why Choose Us?
Choose The Popcorn Professor not just for the taste, but for the story and mission behind each kernel. Together, let’s transform challenges into opportunities, one popcorn at a time.
Choose The Popcorn Professor for a taste of luxury and a portion of inspiration. Let’s pop the lid on potential, one kernel at a time.